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Leaves Shadow

Playfully. Abundantly. Intentionally.

Are you ready to feel like a confident badass who owns their shit in your adventure sport AND life?


I'm currently accepting new clients, schedule a free interest call by clicking the button below! 

I help outdoor enthusiasts with their head game so they feel safe, secure and satisfied with their adventures and their life.

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At Wild Woman Coaching, it’s not just about learning to whitewater kayak. The Wild Woman Community chases joy instead of adrenaline and we celebrate authenticity instead of aiming to fit in. We strive to create a space for outdoor adventurers to feel comfortable, emotionally and physically safe, and welcome. While there’s “woman” in the name, we invite anyone who feels called to this feminine vibe to play with us regardless of gender.


You’re a Wild Woman now!

becca kayaking whitewater
becca by sunflowers

You feel satisfied and STOKED regardless of the situation, no more FOMO!! 

You are equally as confident and powerful in your personal, professional, and adventurous life. 

You are stepping it up in every aspect of your life and sport with unimaginable ease. 

You can enjoy spontaneity, knowing and trusting that opportunities will continue to flow to you. 

Your relationships feel supportive, expansive and inspirational. 

You’ve got the skills to handle whatever gets thrown your way. 


You feel physically lighter, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and your radiant confident glow is turning heads (in a flattering way!)

Picture this...

Flirt with your wild side and welcome yourself home
Have you always wanted to get into outdoor sports, but the intimidating macho aura leaves you feeling hesitant to start? Everyone appears to be a seasoned pro and you’re eager to join in, but not sure where to begin.
Do you know how to do the technical skills, but there’s something holding you back from utilizing your true power? Do you feel STUCK in your head and frustrated, and maybe you’ve even considered giving up on your adventure sport entirely… but something deep down desperately KNOWS you can push past this?
Do you have so much passion and drive inside you, but when you get out to adventure, that sometimes comes out as anxiety which holds you back from making progress in your outdoor sport? It might feel like you’re continuously running into a wall and despite all of the advice you’ve tried- nothing seems to be working long term. 

Let me ask you this . . .

What if I told you that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL?

The biggest adventures of your lifetime are on their way to you, you just haven't quite triggered the start yet. Right now, you're teetering on the edge of discovering the exact support you need to conquer your fears, chase your dreams, and claim your personal power!

Build a wholesome AND badass community that feels supportive and outgoing. 

Level up in your sport by strengthening your mental resilience and discomfort tolerance.

Maintain a positive and powerful mental state regardless of the situation (both in the backcountry and front country). 

Identify and cope with rational AND irrational fears in life and outdoor sports. 

Make a difference in your community promoting inclusivity and intentionality.

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This is where I come in.​​...

I'm here to guide you to


Ready to get Wild?

Worn to Wild Interest Call with Becca

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9 Tips to Own Your Shit for Outdoor Enthusiasts

becca kayaking over waterfall

Wild Woman Podcast

on Spotify

wild woman podcast logo


A little bit
about me...

becca cheerful in grand canyon

a certified whitewater kayak instructor, adventure mindset coach, team dagger paddler, and host of the Wild Woman Podcast. For over 23 years, I’ve been an avid adventurer… That’s right! My first whitewater experience was when I was 3 🤯. I also enjoy rock climbing, whitewater rafting, backpacking, slacklining, mountain biking, lake swimming, cliff jumping, etc. And for the past 7 years, I’ve been mentoring and empowering others to jump in the water with me as we create this dream of an inclusive and welcoming outdoor community where folks feel safe, secure, and satisfied with their life. 

Hi! I’m Wild Woman Becca,

I support passionate, outgoing, and extraordinary folks whose definition of “fitting in” is more aligned with standing out (but in a quirky, humble, and non-obnoxious way). I help people to recognize their uniqueness as a strength that propels them towards everything they want in life: deep connection, fulfillment, freedom, peace and of course, adventure.

I’ve worked seasonal dirtbag jobs as a raft guide, camp kayak instructor, on multi-day river trips with outward bound, at rock climbing gyms, as a caving guide, and even at a doggy day care. I’ve built out a Subaru Forester and a Honda Odyssey and lived in them each for 6 months. I’m a whitewater kayaker, rafter, climber, caver, mountain biker, trail runner, sun soaker, wildflower finder, and dancer in the rain. I’m a joy chaser rather than an adrenaline junkie - living life  playfully, abundantly and intentionally, I’m here for the people and the journey is my destination. 

I WISH I had someone like me to guide me through the non-technical skills of the male-dominated and capitalism driven outdoor world. I know what that’s like to feel lonely, full of FOMO, and potentially even excluded.  It doesn’t have to be like that. I’m here to highlight the strength already inside you like a fern unfurling in the sunshine: resilient and graceful in harmony with nature’s rhythms. To quote High School Musical, “we’re all in this together”. Your success is my success! 


Real People,
Real Stories

testimonial of client
testimonial of client
testimonial of client

Ways to Work with Becca

1:1 Multi-sport, Virtual Worn to Wild Intensive

becca sanding below desert alcove

A fully virtual, 12 week program dedicated to improving your head-game in any outdoor sport and in life.

- 12, 1 hour weekly video call

- Email Recaps 

- Custom resources or journal prompts

- LIVE support during business hours. 

1:1 WW Kayaking Worn to Wild Intensive

becca kayaking waterfall

Everything in the virtual program PLUS
- 2 flatwater roll or drills sessions
- 2 full days of in person kayak instruction 
- Resources to reinforce the on-the-water days
- Resources about breaking into the southeast whitewater community




wild woman podcast logo

Wild Woman Podcast

Tune in on your favorite podcast platform

I’m your host, Becca Ploener. It’s my mission to wake you up to your wild, brave, and downright uninhibited self. 


Ready to be wild? 

becca looking over shoulder in garden

Slide into my schedule and book a Worn to Wild Interest call today! 

I give you permission to flirt with your wild side and welcome yourself home. 

becca kayaking with paddle held over her head

Join the Wild Woman Email List

For weekly insights, podcast episode releases, and to be the first to know about my upcoming trainings and in person events! 

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